Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Doritec Pty Ltd T/as Eureka Gas
Eureka Gas protects your privacy in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 .
We will collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please refer to it regarding how you may access and correct the personal information that we hold about you and how to lodge a complaint relating to our treatment of your personal information. This document also explains how to access and correct the credit related information that we hold about you and how to lodge a complaint relating to our treatment of your credit related information (and how we will deal with it.
Privacy Statement for Customers & Enquirers
Your information is being collected by Doritec Pty Limited (ABN 58 117 454 001). Our contact details are available at  
We collect, use, hold and disclose your personal information (which includes your name, address, telephone and other contact details and banking and credit card details) in order to provide you with products and services and to process your payments for these products and services.
We may also:

  •  if you request a quote for our products and services, we may use your personal information to provide that quote, including to follow up if we do not hear from you;
  • collect personal information about you from third parties, but will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of the matters contained in this privacy collection statement;
  •  disclose your personal information to our related parties, contractors, agents, other distributors or retailers, government bodies and regulatory authorities (where required or authorised by law); and
  •  use your personal information for marketing purposes, including disclosing it to third parties who undertake marketing activities on our behalf, and may present you with offers in the future (including after your agreement with us ends). If you choose not to provide your personal information to us, we may not be able to answer your queries or provide products and services to you.

We may hold personal information about you in, or may disclose this information to third party service providers.  We may also collect, use, hold and disclose certain credit related information about you. We may collect such credit related information from, and disclose credit related information to, credit reporting bodies and other entities that provide credit directly to you. For more information, please see our Credit Reporting Collection Statement.
Credit Reporting Information Collection Statement
Your information is being collected by Doritec Pty Limited (ABN 58 117 454 001). Our contact details are available at
We may collect, use, hold and disclose certain credit related information about you for the purposes of providing you with products and services and to process your payments for these products and services. Credit related information includes information such as your name and contact details, your credit history (including any repayments or late repayments you have made), details of any credit you have sought or obtained from other credit providers, any credit rating or credit assessment score that we calculate or that a credit reporting body might provide to us and details of any credit-related court proceedings or insolvency applications that relate to you.
We may collect credit related information about you from credit reporting bodies and other credit providers who have provided credit to you. We may use and hold this credit related information in order to conduct a credit assessment on you, to evaluate your credit-worthiness and to decide whether to provide you with products and services on credit. We may disclose your credit related information and your personal information to third parties, including debt collectors, credit management agencies, other credit providers, credit reporting bodies and government bodies and regulatory authorities (where required or authorised by law). Credit reporting bodies collect a range of credit related information about individuals and use that information to provide a credit-related service to their customers (which include us). The credit reporting bodies that we may disclose your information to include:

  • Dun & Bradstreet (Australia) Pty Ltd (contact details are available at and
  • Veda Advantage Information Services and Solutions Limited (contact details are available at
  • CreditorWatch If we disclose your information to other credit reporting bodies in the future we will update this collection statement.  

These credit reporting bodies may include your information in reports provided to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness. If you do not pay for the products and services that we provide to you, if you commit fraud or try to do so, or if you otherwise commit a serious credit infringement, we may disclose this information to these credit reporting bodies. This may affect your ability to obtain credit in the future.
We also have a credit reporting policy, which forms part of our general Privacy Policy. You may obtain a copy of the credit reporting bodies’ credit reporting policies by contacting them using the contact details set out above.
You have a right to access the credit related information that we hold about you, to correct that credit related information and to make a complaint about our handling of your credit related information. More information about how to access and correct the credit related information that we hold about you and how to lodge a complaint relating to our treatment of your credit related information (and how we will deal with it) can be found in our credit reporting policy.
You also have a right to request that credit reporting bodies do not use any credit related information held by them for the purposes of pre-screening any direct marketing by credit providers. If you would like to make such a request, please contact the credit reporting bodies using the contact details set out above.
We disclose credit related information to third parties that provide services to us or that provide
services to you on our behalf.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud or identity theft, you have a right to contact the credit reporting bodies and ask them not to disclose your credit related information. If you would like to make such a request, please contact the credit reporting bodies using the contact details set out above.